miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

THE GOLDEN MEAN. A view from Orgonomy

   The Golden Ratio or Divine Proportion is a relationship of dimensions that divided among themselves is the Golden Number, Phi number: 1,618. A simple example is:  a line divided in two-line segments would be considered a Golden Ratio, if the result of dividing the length of the original line to the larger segment, is equal to the result of dividing the length of the longest segment to the smaller one. And the result is always Phi. Phi is an irrational number.

   This relationship is also present in the well-known Fibonacci series, a sequence of numbers, where each one is obtained by adding the former two: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21. [1 ]

 "El Nacimiento de Venus" de Sandro Botticelli | Image from http://artislimited.wordpress.com
   The first references are found in Classical Greek texts. Many assume that this knowledge comes from Babylonians and Egyptians, and some from the prehistoric era. [3]
Golden Ratio applied to a work of art, design, or architecture, creates harmony in their shapes. [2] The structures, rhythms, proportions, possess a quality of peace and perfection that generates admiration and intrigue.

    This archetype of harmony has transcended the oscillations of artistic movements. Works created by its reason are characteristics of classical art movements: the sculptures of Phidias, Leonardo, Michelangelo, etc. But was also used by Le Corbusier, Seurat, Duchamp, Léger, Gris, etc..

Image from de www.psicogeometria.com

   It seems necessary or natural to the human eye: a work often arranged without prior structuring, happens to be in Golden Ratio.
   Many of the objects that surround us have its harmony without being deliberately planned: credit cards, packs of cigarettes, mobile phones, etc. [4]
   But also, the Divine Proportion, is not only a work of man, it is present in the forms of living beings: in the leaves of plants, the growth rates of the branches of the trees, the shapes of the bodies of animals, the proportions found in faces , etc.

   Most authors say it is not a model, but one whose truth comes from a mystical, divine space. [5]
   One wonders, how does this mathematical and geometrical expression arise? Did God whisper this formula into the ears of the great Greek mathematicians? …Or is it possible to explain how does this underlying rhythm of life originate? ...

Synopsis of Orgonomic Science 

   Orgonomy is a natural science based on Orgon Energy and functions, created by Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1954).
   Reich was a medical doctor and began his training in psychoanalysis as one of the Freud´s favorite disciples.
  Under his indications, Reich began to investigate the biological basis of the Unconscious, a road that would lead him to the discovery of Orgon after 19 years of research (1939). In this way, the concepts of Neurosis and Psychoneurosis, were no longer a psychological problem, but rooted in the body; and Libido found its biological roots in Orgon.
   These discoveries originated in the observation of patients: after having experienced satisfying sexual relationships, their Current Neurosis [6 ] temporarily lost intensity . After years of work, he came to the conclusion that both Neurosis as Psychoneurosis [7 ] originated in the accumulation of sexual energy not genitally  discharged. Reich asked himself what was discharged in orgasm. Looking for this answer, the discovery of Orgon came about in 1939. [8]
   Orgone energy is the primordial cosmic universal presence. It is demonstrable visually, thermally, electroscopically, and with Geiger- Muller counters. It was discovered by Reich in bions derived from sand, and later found on the ground, in the atmosphere, solar radiation and living organisms. [9]
   Orgasm, from a biophysical point of view, is a function composed of higher and lower tensions, the charge and discharge within a specific regular rhythm. Reich called it the TC function. Later it was discovered that all functions of an autonomous biological apparatus respond to it: the functioning of the heart, intestines, bladder, lungs (breathing). Then he discovered that it  also regulates cell division, movement of protozoa , wave translation of worms and snakes, etc. Finally he discovered that it regulated all of Nature. He called it The  Formula of Life. [10]

The Golden Mean in Orgonomy 

   Reich first discovered the Orgone Energy linked to mass as bions (1936).
   Bions are microscopic vesicles that "represent the transition between living and non- living substance. In nature they constantly be created by a process of disintegration of organic and inorganic matter, impossible to reproduce in an experimental process. " [11 ].
   Reich began to understand the relationship between biological shapes and functions of the Orgone Energy by  observing bions. The bions were obtained by a freezing process of  a bionosa solution , in which part of the free orgone resulted as a membrane. [12]
   These bions underwent an evolution in which they changed their shapes. Originally seen as spherical, then they progressed to ovoid forms; some of which continued to expand into a seed form. These then became protozoa.

Images from Reich, W. (1973) “Cosmic Superimposition”. Toronto: Ed. Doubleday Canada Ltd.

     Reich noted that Orgon Energy free of mass, trapped inside the membrane, responded to the biophysical laws of Cosmic Orgone . One law is that the bigger field attracts the smaller field. So the Orgone free mass is always attracted by the ocean of Cosmic Orgone, as it struggles to leave the confinement of the membrane to fuse with the bigger field. This generated a longitudinal direction stream constantly pushing agaisnt the membrane. This created a force that produced the transformation from spherical to ovoid, then to the seed; and finally to protuberances. He found that this was the force that produced the growth of living beings. [13]This force in its movements, within biophysical properties, generates the forms of living beings.
Development from egg to zygote fetus of a horse

Human embryo

Embryo elephant

Embryo lizard

Development of a plant from its seed

   Above, we stated that the membrane was frozen Orgon energy. Reich saw that the movement of the orgon energy was curved, the membrane has a curved shape; and so do the forms of bodies and organs in Nature. He noted that all natural forms were easily reducible to the ovoid shape: seeds, bulbs, sperm cells, animals embryos, all organs of the body, leaves, etc..
    The force of the thrust of Cosmic Orgone trapped in the membrane comes from a pulsating movement. This generates waves that follow a spiral movement as transcribed. This can be clearly observed in the shells of marine snails.

    After years of research, Reich could say that "living matter and its organs, result from
the opposition between the free energy orgone orgone mass that has become
membrane." [14
    In light of this knowledge, it could be understood that when we speak of the divine nature of the Golden Mean, it may be expressing the biophysical laws of Cosmic Orgone Energy. His unique ability to provide harmony, balance, beauty to human sensibility comes from being an expression of law inherent to our own origin
    An inquisitive observation may discover the immanence of Orgon in all natural forms.


"El David", Miguel Ángel

Drawings of cats, Leonardo da Vinci

   The balance, harmony and beauty that we stated would come from the primordial movement Orgone Energy. This is the origin of the bodies of animals, and therefore man.      From this point of view, the model of Vitruvius and Le Corbusier Modulor, would become a geometric interpretation of the actions of its properties.

    Reich said "If living matter is frozen Orgone energy, the form of movement of the orgone energy must necessarily translate itself into the form of living matter. (.... ) If the form is the movement of energy  that is frozen, then the organ form must derive from the form of movement of cosmic energy ". [15 ]

    The knowledge Dr. Wilhelm Reich developed throughout his entire life, allowed a level of reality to emerge, not yet known to the world. He himself did not understand how throughout  the history of science, had not discovered this generating principle of all that surrounds us.
    From the Orgonomy, it is possible to rationally understand many facts that traditional culture cannot give a rational explanation to, so it is defined as mystical or magical. Orgonomy does not exclude the space for the Inevitable and Unknown.
   This small text applies the knowledge Orgonomy to art and design, as a tribute to this great scientist not yet understood by humanity.

Mónica Raiberti 

[1]   This explanation of the traditional concept of the golden ratio, is intended to give only a context for the view from the Orgonomy. For more information about that,  there are endless texts in the web.

[2] Pages about these topics:

Ghyka Matila C - Estética De Las Proporciones En La Natura Y En Las Artes Pdf: http://ebiblioteca.org/?/ver/80126

 This opera is to be read: Carmen Bonell. “La Divina Proporción”. Edición: Edicions UPC (Edicions de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, SL) , 1999.  

[3] Carmen Bonell. “La Divina Proporción”. Edición: Edicions UPC (Edicions de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, SL) , 1999.  Pag. 26.   

[4]. http://navegandoentrenumeros.blogspot.com.ar/2011/03/proporcion-aurea-en-objetos-cotidianos.html

[5] Matila Ghyca.“El número de oro. “Ritos y ritmos pitagóricos en el desarrollo de la civilización occidental”. I. Los ritmos - II. Los ritos”. Editorial Poseidón, 1978 –

[6] Actual Neurosis: Freud distinguished Psychoneurosis of this, because its origin is not rooted in Children conflicts, but in the present. References consulted: Dictionary of Psychoanalysis Laplanche and Pontalis.

[7] Psychoneurosis: Abbreviation of mental disorders whose symptoms are the symbolic expression of infant conflict: transference neurosis and narcissistic neurosis.
References consulted: Dictionary of Psychoanalysis Laplanche and Pontalis.

[8] Reich, W. (1942) “La función del orgasmo”. México: Ed. Paidos mexicana. Pág.  214-215.

[9] Glossaryof  Introduction Course Orgonomy made ​​in Los Orgones Institute, Villa Las Rosas, San Javier D.to, P.cia of Córdoba, Argentina. (2006)

 [10]  Bibliografía recomendada sobre este tema:
Díaz Goldfarb, A. y Luque, L. (2001) “La Forma Humana”. Buenos Aires: Editorial Pluma y Papel.
Reich, W. (1973) “Cosmic Superimposition”. Toronto: Ed. Doubleday Canada Ltd.
Reich, W. (1985) “Biopatía del cáncer”. Buenos Aires: Ed. Nueva Visión.
Reich, W. (1987) “La función del orgasmo”. México: Ed. Paidos mexican

[11] Glossary of the Introduction Course of Orgonomy made ​​in Los Orgones Institute, Villa Las Rosas, San Javier D.to, P.cia of Córdoba, Argentina.

[12] This procedure is found on pages 76 and 77 of the aforementioned text "biopathy of cancer."

[13] Reich, W. (1973) “Cosmic Superimposition”. Toronto: Ed. Doubleday Canada Ltd.  Pag. 203.

[14] Reich, W. (1973) “Cosmic Superimposition”. Toronto: Ed. Doubleday Canada Ltd.  Pag. 203.

[15] Reich, W. (1973) “Cosmic Superimposition”. Toronto: Ed. Doubleday Canada Ltd. Pag. 203